Are you someone who leads, nourishes, and supports others, yet often feels depleted, yourself?

Do you have a desire to lead with more courage and gusto, but feel limited by your capacity and thus, afraid to grow? 

Are you interested in exploring ways to lead with more authenticity, integrity, and heart in a society that rewards efficiency, worships the bottom line, and glorifies The Grind?

CMW Beth on steps

Join Beth Berry and her community of changemakers, cycle breakers, and conscious creatives for five days of nourishment, inspiration, rest, play, nature connection, and opportunities to go deep with others who want to make a bigger, bolder impact without burning out or resenting the thing that once lit them up.

Nourished Leaders retreat

 There are two retreats again this year!





This retreat is all about nourishing your mind, body, and soul, so that you will be better resourced and able to nourish your big, beautiful ideas, dreams, and visions. 

It’s about slowing down so that we can hear whispers from within that go unnoticed when we're moving fast, constantly interrupted, and highly scheduled. 

It’s about sinking into deep time, which often feels out of reach or pie-in-the-sky amidst all the hustle to “catch up,” “keep up,” and “get ahead.”


"Would I be considered a leader, Beth?"

A leader can look a thousand different ways! They could be a…

• mentor
• entrepreneur
• community leader
• circle facilitator
• educator
• leader within an organization
• basically anyone who guides others from a place of authenticity and heart.

"We rested, we bonded, we hiked, we swam, we laughed, we ate delicious food, we sang, we cried, we danced around a fire, we dug deep, and we became stronger, more connected women. Beth’s retreat completely exceeded my expectations. The best word I can come up with to describe it is 'magical.'"

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"Valuing myself was my biggest hurdle to attending, but spending the time and the money on myself was so worth it. You will be more able to show up for yourself and everyone around you after taking this time and space. I have gained more understanding about myself, connection with other mamas, and an expansiveness I couldn’t have gotten from stealing bits of time away for myself." - Katie Lane

Some of the the
CMW some of the magic
you'll experience includes...

• incredibly delicious food, much of which is grown on the property
• the medicine of the Blue Ridge Mountains during peak leaf season
• inspiring connection + conversation with other women who also identify as leaders
• deep-dive sessions based on what you want to be exploring!
• opportunities to play (singing, dancing, river time, games)
• space to breathe and just be
• a break from managing everything (we take care of it all!)
• ceremony + ritual
• ideas to take home and weave into your own business/leadership roles
• massage (optional)

JOIN US (1) 





A Typical day at Nourished Leaders 

8:30-10am: Breakfast (made for you!) and ease into the day however you wish

10am-noon: Circle time in Pavilion - this could be for a tea ceremony, juicy conversation and processing, singing with Yuri, etc.  

12:30-2pm: Lunch (made for you!) and rest + retreat as you desire - lots of nature to take in

2-4pm: Beth-led group activity such as ritual, small group dialogue/processing, game or crafting

4:30-5:30pm: Free time before dinner to enjoy how you wish (often a yoga class is offered at this time) 

6-7:30pm: Slow enjoyment of dinner (made for you!) 

7:30-9pm: Evening gathering such as live music and singing, lantern ceremony, optional riverwalk, fire circle by pond, dance party. etc. 

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Bend of Ivy, itself, is magical.

Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, it offers a lush, tucked away refuge with amazing views of the surrounding area.

 The tallest peak east of the Mississippi, Mount Mitchell, can easily be seen from the property. There are also many quiet spots to sit and relax such as near the river bank, pond, fire pit, river, and more. 

Bend of Ivy also has a number of meandering trails that are well maintained and great for walking and taking in nature.

Take a Tour of Bend of Ivy!

CMW Specifics USE


Beth Berry and her community of changemakers, cycle breakers, and conscious creatives

CMW Beth on steps (1)


Nourished Leaders
Revolution From Home's in-person leadership retreat!


Bend of Ivy - Marshall, North Carolina (20 minutes from Asheville)


 Sunday, October 6 (5:30pm) to Thursday, October 10 (11:30am)



*can be paid in installments
Includes accommodations, all meals (vegetarian, meat, vegan + gluten free), guest facilitators, and activities.

We'll be holding the riverbanks that you usually hold for everyone else.
This is your time to be in the flow.


*Space is very limited. Sign up now to secure your spot!
We have a waiting list nearly every year.


with Sarah K Peck


Sarah K Peck is the founder and CEO of Startup Parent and the host of The Startup Parent Podcast, an award-winning podcast featuring women in entrepreneurship, business, and parenting. She runs The Wise Women's Council, an annual leadership program for women to come together honestly while navigating the challenges of working and parenting.


Tea Ceremony with
Mary Plantwalker

Mary "Morgaine" Plantwalker will be back again to offer her nurturing opening tea ceremony! With a speciality in flowers and herbs, she lives on and care-takes a gorgeous garden and intentional community nearby and brings us a garden-to-mug tea experience along with embodied plant education and wisdom.    

Singing with Yuri

Yuri, Beth's local song circle leader, will be back again to lead us in song and play! His sweet energy and ability to make anyone feel comfortable singing in a group is what makes his offering so beautiful. Last year, there were so many laughs, some communal tears, and a shared experience that bonded us with Yuri forever as he guided us to play together like little kids.


Live Music with
Molly & Laura
(aka WellSpring)

Our dear sisters, Molly and Laura, are back to sing to us (and with us)! We are so beyond excited that they will be singing familiar and new songs for us and with us again, connecting us through song, sound, and the unmatched experience of live music. 


Have we mentioned that you will be

Our chef, Dava Melton, cooks “Good Natured Foods,” which refers to the natural bounty that resonates from the Earth, preparing food with caring hands, and infusing meals with comfort and delicious consistency. A mama herself, Dava, her motherly energy, and her delicious food have become a sacred part of the Camp MotherWorthy experience. 

Dava also specializes in gluten free cooking and baking, and provides the option of animal protein, vegetarian, vegan and gluten free delights at each meal, and the snacks in between. Yes, she's a miracle worker.





(this would all be offered at one meal!)

• Fruit salad with mint (vegan + gluten free)
• Baked eggs with cheese, tortillas, spinach (vegetarian + gluten free)
• Soy chorizo (vegetarian)
• Arugula salad, with avocado, zucchini and mushrooms (vegan + gluten free)
• Cashews on side (vegan + gluten free)
• Potato hash (vegan + gluten free)

(this would all be offered at one meal!)

• Local romaine and arugula with marinated veggies (vegan + gluten free)
• Herb marinated chicken or tofu  (vegetarian + gluten free)
• Feta mint yogurt sauce
• Roasted sweet potatoes (vegan + gluten free)
• Cauliflower with local kale and tamari sauce (vegan + gluten free)
• Gluten free crackers and flat bread

(this would all be offered at one meal!)

• Black-eyed pea salad with mixed greens and apple cider dressing (vegan + gluten free)
• Braised beef with rosemary and garlic (dairy free + gluten free)
• Vegan portabello with crispy onion and red pepper sauce (vegan + gluten free)
• Sauteed green beans with garlic and fennel (vegan + gluten free)
• Brown rice (vegan + gluten free)
• Strawberry shortcake 
• Almond dates (gluten free) 

*There are also treats, tea, coffee, drinks, afternoon snacks and chocolate! 









"I came home with a high level of embodiment that I hadn't even realized I had been needing. The opportunity to be free of responsibilities and intentionally move toward joy, openness and play in a safe container was profound. The embodiment (which I experience as greater connection to my body and a full and open heart) has helped me recognize that it's essential to give myself this nourishment more regularly - for myself and for my family. I feel that much of my Motherworthy learning is landing on me in a more embodied way now." - Johanna

"Do it! You may feel it's indulgent or awkward, but it will push you to allow yourself to receive with grace and to connect. The women here feel like home." - Emilie

"I feel so grateful for the in person connections that are going to deepen my commitment and nourishment I have received (and will continue to receive) from MotherWorthy. I felt myself free of the need for performative friendship. Beth + Brandy hold such a deep authenticity in the container that I felt instant belonging." - MaRiza 

"It's immeasurable how much magic, support, and value there is in doing something like this. Beth is so wise, loving, safe, and genius in how she creates experience." - Drea


"At the retreat, we quickly built a strong, felt sense of community. Looking back I find it amazing that I never felt judged by any of the women there, not for one moment. It was just a special, safe space for the entire weekend. Being with that group of women I constantly felt encouraged and lifted up into being the most honest and heartfelt version of myself. I was inspired and nourished. I felt brave enough to do things that I never have done, and I was celebrated and normalized when sharing things that I rarely share with others. I came away feeling really nourished spiritually and emotionally, with a little fire burning in my heart."

"It truly is okay to listen to what it is you're needing and to follow that impulse! A lot of your needs can be met here if you give yourself permission."
- Olivia

"I have never felt more held and supported then I have being in circle with Beth. Through our retreat, I had the opportunity to push deeper into things I was feeling for myself and make lasting connections with sisters who 'get it.'"

"I was concerned about being away from my kids, especially since I had never been away that long, but I was surrounded by other mothers - many farther ahead of me on that path - and felt so safe and encouraged that I had so much more fun!" - Lauren

"Beth and Brandy create magical, tender care for mothers. Being at Bend of Ivy with soulful, open-hearted women fuels a dream of what a better world can look like and inspires me to create more of that magic in my own life." -Jenn

"I can't say enough good things about this retreat. It was incredibly nourishing to be around other open-hearted women in a beautiful nature setting. Beth is also very skilled at creating a safe and comfortable-feeling container for everyone. The retreat gave me a big sense of peace and feeling of relaxation both physically and mentally." - Anne

"Beth holds a genuinely wonderful space for women to connect, feel nourished, push their own edges, and fuel their soul fire. The revelations I had while on retreat I feel will carry me so far on my journey." - Natasha

"This retreat has been a gift, and if you're looking for a space to be with other mamas who sense there is more than mothering alone, who want to dare to hope for more, this is a beautiful space for that. I feel rested and I have been able to release some things I've been holding onto. I have a renewed vision for the power/strength/fierce and tender goodness of women being gathered, together." - Erin


"Beth is a skilled facilitator with a ton of great resources that she weaves into the discussion easily. This retreat was exactly what I needed as a parent of a toddler, with all the busyness of my parent life. The space was perfect for individual relaxation and group discussion, and with all the preparation that Beth had done, I felt like the weekend went by without any extra effort needed on my part. The mix of activities was excellent as well. Integration of the incredibly beautiful setting into our reflections helped me stay grounded and inspired."

"The retreat with Beth and this amazing group of women was life-changing. It was the perfect setting and an ideal balance of emotional connection, exploring nature, diving deep and having fun. I wish we could recreate it every few months!"

"I feel filled with positive, loving, authentically kind interactions with all kinds of women. Loved, actually. I feel like it was the time I needed to reflect on huge life questions for my family and getting to the core of what needs are present and longing to be fulfilled in this phase."
- Miriam

"The MotherWorthy retreat was an amazing way to connect in person. I felt safe, loved and free to do things and go places (physically, emotionally, spiritually) that I may not get the opportunity in my daily life. I cherish the friendships I have made through this group, I am so thankful for this opportunity. I would definitely do this again!"

"The retreat with Beth was an experience I will always hold dear to my heart. After a year of MotherWorthy, it was an inspiring time spent with women to further enrich our connection and deepen our bond. Beth planned the retreat perfectly, giving us time to connection with one another and with ourselves. We all (reluctantly) left the retreat with a sense of ease and our souls filled to the brim."

"The retreat filled me with a great sense of confirmation that I am on the right path, that the work I’m doing is important, and I am part of a rising collective of changemakers." - Elizabeth Westfall

"I didn’t realize how starved I was for connection with other brilliant, warm, funny, and openly raw women. It reminded me of the pure joy and delight of my Girl Scout Troop days as a kid. It was every bit as playful and full of sisterhood, down to the beautiful song circles. Beth is creating magic in these retreats - pure magic." - Lauren

"Beth is a wise, grounded, playful magic maker! The community of women she is growing and nurturing is powerful and changemaking. I love her commitment to revolution, and will mother myself and my children differently because of all I have learned." - Diane Hilleary


Who Nourished Leaders Is For...

  • Women with open hearts and minds who are on a growth and healing path.
  • Women who are fed up with hustle culture but still driven to create a better world.
  • Women looking to connect authentically and wholeheartedly with other leaders, without the distractions of packed calendars, long to-do lists, caretaking, pretense, or perfectionism.
  • Leaders craving restoration, inspiration, realness, depth, fun, and fuel for their soulfire.
  • Entrepreneurs, community leaders, leaders within organizations, or anyone else who aspires to lead from a place of deep nourishment and heart.

Who Nourished Leaders Is Not For...

  • Those looking for a luxury spa-type retreat experience. Bend of Ivy is super nice and absolutely gorgeous, but this is more of a “don’t forget your river shoes!” than a “pack an extra cocktail dress!” kind of experience.
  • Those looking to gossip, belittle, judge, critique, or police other women.
  • Those whose idea of an amazing time includes heavy alcohol consumption.





Naturally, no one books with the intention of cancelling or postponing their retreat, but unexpected things do happen, so I strongly encourage you to purchase travel insurance if you have concerns. I cannot offer any refund at all unless the retreat sells out, and there is someone to take your spot financially. I wish I could compensate people for unforeseen circumstances, but I have incurred expenses that cannot be refunded.

Thank you for your understanding!
* view full retreat cancellation policy HERE


Camp MW21 (1)



Because mothers are conditioned to be self-sacrificing, to ignore their own needs, and to caretake everyone except for themselves, many moms have to first tend to their hearts, find their own value and worthiness, and then organize the childcare and other logistics to make going on retreat possible.

Here are two moms who speak to me about that, and how they did it (in opposite ways).




Can I pay in installments?

Yes. Depending on the timing, you can choose between two and three monthly installments.

What are the sleeping arrangements?

Nearly all rooms will be shared with at least one other person (all twin beds). We will accommodate roommate requests where possible. You'll be sent a survey as the retreat nears.

Can I request a specific roommate?

We will accommodate roommate requests where possible, and we really try our best to make this happen! You'll be sent a survey as the retreat nears. And, its common that you might not know your roommate - this is where new connections are born. 

How much downtime will there be?

A lot! Part of the magic of this retreat is being unscheduled for much of the time. There will also be heart-led offerings and practices to deepen connection, get us in our bodies, and fuel our soul fires - all are optional. More details to come!

How much physical activity is required?

This is completely up to you. There will be opportunities for walks and meandering beside the river, and you are welcome to choose whichever fits your desired level of activity - or forgo it entirely.

I have dietary needs. Can those be accommodated?

Most likely, yes. Our chef is well-versed in dietary needs and can accommodate meat eaters, and vegetarians and vegans. Additionally, most of the food will be gluten free, and nuts and dairy will always be served on the side. Please let us know if you have a dietary need other than what’s listed here as Dava is a miracle worker.

Which airport should I fly into?

The closest airport to Bend of Ivy is the Asheville Regional Airport (AVL), and it’s about 45 minutes away. Depending on where you're coming from, Delta has a lot of direct flights to Asheville. The second closest airport is Greenville-Spartanburg Airport (GSP), and it’s about 92 miles out. The third closest is Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT), and it’s about 133 miles out, but is a larger airport and has more direct flights. From Charlotte, Bend of Ivy is about a two-hour car ride.

What are the dates and times of check-in and check-out?

The retreat begins on Sunday, October 6th, and check-in will begin that evening at 5:30pm (dinner will follow at 6pm). The retreat ends on Thursday, October 10th, and check-out will be around 11:30am (after a 9am brunch).

Is there a suggested packing list?

Here’s what I recommend bringing in order to ensure that you’re as comfortable as possible (and there will be more specific lists as it gets closer):
- Casual, comfortable clothes and PJs
- Shoes for navigating outdoors (something comfortable with some traction)
- Bathing suit (birthday suits are great too!)
- Backpack or tote for carrying personal items around the property
- Toiletries
- Water bottle
- Sunscreen
- Bug spray
- Sun hat
- Journal/pen Book
- An altar item or two (you’ll take them home with you when we leave)
- Any other creature comforts that help you feel at ease and bring you joy 

What if I need to cancel?

Naturally, no one books with the intention of cancelling or postponing their retreat, but unexpected things do happen, so I strongly encourage you to purchase travel insurance if you have concerns. I cannot offer any refund at all unless the retreat sells out, and there is someone to take your spot financially. I wish I could compensate people for unforeseen circumstances, but I have incurred expenses that cannot be refunded. See our full Cancellation Policy here


Words and even pictures cannot convey how truly sweet + magical these retreats are! I hope you'll join us so you can discover for yourself.



Photos by:

Bend of Ivy

Sigorni King-Berry

Hayley Brooks

Please contact us with any questions!