Let's stay connected!
We're sorry you couldn't join us this time, but let's stay in touch about
future offerings + ideas.
The conditions under which we were mothering pre-pandemic were already unsupportive to our wholeness, vitality, and agency. A year into this rollercoaster ride (that none of us knew we were stepping onto), mama spirits the world over are whiplashed, bruised, and battered.
And it’s not just that we desperately need time to ourselves, it’s also that we’re too fried to get what we need most from the precious little time alone we do manage to carve out.
It’s not just that we’re anxious about our kids’ wellbeing,
we’re also worried about our ability to meet their ever-changing needs from such a depleted place within ourselves.
It’s not just that we’re desperate for in-person connection, but that
we’re feeling disconnected from vital parts of ourselves.
What we’re truly craving cannot be found through spa days and pedicures alone.
What we’re deeply longing for is far simpler and more accessible than clever marketers would have us believe.
What we need more than ever is to revive our wildness as mothers--our essential, vibrant, maternal, intuitive,
de-conditioned, untamed nature--
and connect with other mothers who are doing the same.
Part online course and community, part virtual retreat, Mamas Gone Wild was created not only to lift the veil, but to serve as an initiatory journey for any and every mother who’s ready to remember the fullness of herself and revive the Wild Mother within.
Over the course of two weeks together, we’ll explore, embody, awaken, connect, feel seen, become emboldened, move, sweat, laugh, release, breathe, remember, and revive our power, together.
• Why NOW is the ideal time for Wild Mothers’ revival
• The Wild Mother Archetype (who is she, where has she been, and how do we connect with her?)
• What happens when we repress the Wild Mother for too long? (including what happens to us as women, to our families, to our communities, and to the culture)
• Why the wild within is so difficult for us to access as modern-day mothers
• Threats to our wildness and how to protect against them
• Instinct injury and how to begin building self-trust and sovereignty
• Why the world needs our wildness as much as we do
• Wildness as a sacred reclamation (and fuel for revolution)
• Decolonizing our minds and bodies
• Harvesting the medicine we need during each season of the mothering journey
• Initiation as a path to greater acceptance, embodiment, authenticity, and joy!
AND, because the Wild Mother must be embodied, not merely theorized about, Mamas Gone Wild will also include a
whole-day virtual retreat.
That’s right, the opportunity for that solo retreat you’ve been craving is here
(i.e. an excuse to get the heck away from your family for the day or weekend,
if you can!)
It's also the perfect chance to grab a friend (or two), rent an AirBNB, and
get away together like you've dreamt of doing this past year.
The virtual retreat is a one-day collective initiation journey, in which your inner Wild Mother will be fed and awakened through:
This all-day initiation experience will serve to awaken and nourish the
Wild Mother in you so that you can more easily access her in your day-to-day life.
You’ve likely heard of the Wild Woman archetype. You may even know her intimately.
But what about the
Wild Mother?
• She’s unique. She’s also more misunderstood, overlooked, and disadvantaged within our culture than most any other archetype
• Her intuition is razor sharp, yet our culture teaches her to doubt her knowing
• Her needs and desires are sensible and beautiful, yet often ignored and repressed
• Her power is irrefutable, yet the circumstances under which we are mothering so often keep her from knowing, honoring, and refining her power
• She is intentional, invested, and aware, yet feels deeply inadequate as she struggles to shoulder the burden meant to be shared by an entire village
You feel her within, but do you have a healthy, thriving relationship with her?
Patriarchy depends on our guilt-ridden endless giving, our depletion, and our self-abandonment.
Capitalism depends on our mechanization (how robotically and efficiently can we make it through our days and to-do lists?)
But being vital requires that we lift the veil on the many ways in which mothers are being covertly burdened, subtly brainwashed, and cut off from the life force meant to sustain and empower us.
Mamas Gone Wild will help you acknowledge and reclaim that vitality in your own life.
Because it takes a village to raise children and to empower mothers - a village that we have been more disconnected from for the past year than ever before - it is my absolute honor and deep pleasure to welcome the following guest speakers and facilitators to this year’s Mamas Gone Wild experience:
Marisol Jiménez is the founder and lead consultant for Tepeyac Consulting. She catalyzes strategic equity efforts in collaboration with grassroots leaders, nonprofit organizations, and foundations, bringing over twenty years of community engagement, training/facilitation, and policy advocacy experience to her consulting practice. It is her strong belief that racial equity work is most impactful when it is intersectional, proactive, collaborative, and radically hopeful.
Britta Bushnell, PhD (she/her) is author of Transformed by Birth (Sounds True 2020), veteran childbirth educator, celebrated speaker, mythologist, wife and mother, and specialist in childbirth, relationship, and parenting. For over 20 years, Dr. Bushnell has worked with individuals and couples as they prepare for the life-changing experiences of giving birth and becoming parents. Her work has been enriched by her doctoral education in mythology and psychology, her years spent as a co-owner of Birthing From Within, as well as her dedicated study of solution-focused brief therapy, storytelling, and skills for supporting intimate relationships.
jylani ma'at brown is an Earth centered, joy-focused mother, mentor, and meditation/mindfulness teacher. As a result of her background as an educator and healthcare professional, she focuses heavily on the intersections of education, wellness, and somatic engagement in contemplative realms.
Marielle Amrhein (she/her) is a mama, dancer, and facilitator of body-based transformative healing and change currently based in Hawaii on Kanaka land. She is trained in a multitude of creative and healing somatic modalities including various forms of dance, yoga, chi gong, body-mind centering, choreography, and counseling. Marielle is her most wild when dancing in nature, making love, and climbing mountains.
Lani Yadegar is a mama, an artist, and a coach and parent educator who supports people in designing healthy and creative relationships in their partnerships, marriages, with their kids and family, and larger social systems. She sees relationships as art, parenting as an art form, and she is always drawing and painting her way through life on the canvas, paper, and the body as well.
Amy Brennan is a mother, teacher, writer, and dreamer, and is weaving her own becoming with her offerings to other women. Her work is to restore sanctuary in the world through practices that connect the sacred and the ordinary. She spends her spare moments in the woods with her ancient elders, slowly remembering how to listen for their wise counsel.
Darlene Raven (aka darlenYa) is a solo traveler of N. America by motorbike (1990-2002) and '79 camper van (2002-2013). She is a collagist, musician, urban dancer, writer of songs and lines, world-influenced vocalist with a theatrical flair, and is familiar with most hand power tools.
Alizee Laroche is a dancer, Reiki Master Teacher, Sound Healer, Life Coach and Mother. She is passionate about guiding all women back to their Divine essence so that they can live from a more connected, empowered and wild heart space. She teaches group/private dance workshops, offers Reiki sessions and classes, Sound Healing and Life Coaching.
Our time together will look as follows...
Zoom is not wild. But Zoom does provide the structure we currently need to explore wildness. If you’re rewilding on your own, that’s beautiful. If you could use the support and inspiration of others committed to rewilding, we’re here. We’re hungry, too.
Let’s do this.
- Mothers who are fed up with the mechanization of motherhood and long for more embodiment, richness, vibrancy, and soul in their lives
- Mothers who are tired of overworking parts of themselves while other essential parts atrophy
- Mothers who identify as changemakers, teachers, healers, leaders, and/or medicine women, and who struggle to find time to make the difference they long to make
- Mothers who are ready to carve out some time and space for themselves and the emergence of their inner wild
- Those for whom getting “wild” looks like slamming beers on Daytona Beach for spring break
- Those who see nothing problematic about the way modern-day motherhood is structured
- Anyone who isn’t here to co-create a more just, equitable, beautiful world in which thriving and liberation are made possible for all
- Those more interested in presenting as “woke” rather than actually diving in and doing the healing work necessary to liberate ourselves and one another...mind, body, and soul
It began when I was seventeen and pumping milk in the bathroom of my high school for my now-grown eldest daughter, and has gradually evolved into a tender, fiery conviction to examine, heal from, and illuminate any and every norm and narrative I see that’s keeping mothers from realizing their true power.
As an author, life coach, small group facilitator, teacher, and mother of four daughters (ages 14, 16, 20, and 26), I’ve spent thousands of hours mentoring and supporting mothers through their process of self-discovery, self-compassion cultivation, story deconstruction and reconstruction, and rewilding.
I believe our generation of mothers is being called to step out of too-small-for-us questions such as “What’s wrong with me that I can’t keep up and/or that I don’t enjoy motherhood more?” and move toward questions worthy of our time and energy such as, “What’s wrong with the system that has millions of mothers more invested and educated than ever, yet also more frustrated, self-doubting, overwhelmed, anxiety-filled, disconnected and depressed?”
I connect with my inner wild most easily and often by getting out of my head and into my body (through dance, time in the woods, playing with my partner, singing, gardening, and yoga), braving vulnerability and intimacy with other wholehearted folks, body work, alone time without an agenda, ceremony, setting and holding boundaries that protect my serenity and sense of spaciousness, and traveling to Spanish-speaking countries.
26 years of motherhood, 12 years of self-mothering, and over a decade working with awakening mothers from all over the world has me convinced:
Rewilding mothers are the medicine our wounded world needs most.
I’d love for you to join me for this wild ride.

1st Week Money Back Guarantee: If, by the end of week one, you’re convinced that rewilding (or this particular rewilding experience) isn’t for you, I’ll give you a full refund.
I believe in this work. Rewilding - and the healing and liberation that come from it - has changed my life and the lives of so many mothers I’ve worked with. I want liberation for you, too, dear mama, so I’m offering this experience risk-free.
Please contact us with any questions!
I have children at home. Is it okay if they’re around during the Zoom calls?
My wish for you is that you be able to enjoy the experience without also having to meet others’ needs at the same time. I also realize and respect that this isn’t possible for everyone.
For the weekday sessions, you will be muted and are welcome to do what you need to do. These Zoom calls will be recorded so you can watch anything you miss.
For the Saturday Initiation Retreat, I highly encourage anyone who can, to use this as an excuse to get away for the day or weekend (or send the family away!). This experience is for YOU, and you deserve to receive its many gifts without your attention being divided. I ask that anyone who’s not able to get away, turn off your camera when tending to others. The one exception to this is for mamas with wee babes in arms. The Saturday retreat will not be recorded.
In short:
Best case scenario is that you get to experience Mamas Gone Wild as a break from mothering (and that you rent an AirBnb or something of the sort for the weekend retreat!).
Second best case scenario is that you have your kids around during the week but get the Initiation Retreat Saturday to yourself.
Third best scenario is that you show up however you can or must and plan to keep your video off on Saturday when tending to others.
I still don’t get it. What is rewilding, exactly?
We’ll be diving deep into this question during week #1, but the way I see it, rewilding is a return to the essential self. It’s a gradual stripping away and healing from conditioning, norms and narratives that keep us from the rich, life-giving, connected experience of motherhood and womanhood we’re craving. It includes but is not limited to deconstructing narratives that are too small for us, getting into our bodies, relearning how to play, healing sister wounds, and breaking down barriers that keep us from connecting intimately with one another. Think of it like restoring a forest back to its most vibrant, healthy state after years of being overharvested.
Is rewilding actually possible over Zoom?
Zoom is not wild. But it is a platform that can support the rewilding process. I believe wholeheartedly in using the tools we have at our disposal until better tools are available. Would I love to be having this experience in person? Totally. Am I willing to forgo rewilding (or this collective experience of it) because it can’t be in person right now? No freaking way. That’s exactly what patriarchy pushers want. They want us separate, disempowered, forgetting who we really are, and playing by their rules. No, gracias.
Can I still rewild if I don’t live near or feel particularly resourced by nature?
Absolutely! The wild mother is the most authentic version of herself, and each of us is unique. Whether you’re an unshaven, crunchy tree hugger, or a city gal who can’t for the life of you understand why a person would actually choose to sleep in the woods, you are welcome here. The most important factor is that you feel ready for a richer, lighter, more meaningful life as a mother.
What if I get started and realize it’s really not for me?
1st Week Money Back Guarantee: If, by the end of week one, you’re convinced that rewilding (or this particular rewilding experience) isn’t for you, I’ll give you a full refund. I believe in this work. Rewilding - and the healing and liberation that come from it - has changed my life and the lives of so many mothers I’ve worked with. I want liberation for you, too, dear mama, so I’m offering this experience risk-free.
Do I have to go away for the retreat in order to benefit from this experience?
It is not required that you take time away from your family in order to participate in Mamas Gone Wild, but I highly encourage you to stretch yourself a bit if you’re sitting the fence about getting away for the Saturday retreat. I totally respect not wanting to leave wee nurslings, and I know from personal experience that waiting until the kids are school aged to take even one day away can be a recipe for burnout and resentment. Trust your gut on this one, and remember that your kids learn to love themselves by watching you love yourself.
Just how wild are we talking? Is dancing/singing/body painting/nudity required?
You are not required to do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing. I recognize that the word “wild” is loaded and means something different to everyone. For me, it refers to the essential self, stripped of conditioning and connected to source. It’s also not a destination we arrive at all at once, but a lifelong unfolding; a healing journey that leads to liberation. The Saturday retreat will not be recorded. That way, you can dance, paint, sing, and let loose in whatever ways you feel inspired, knowing that the experience is just for us to enjoy together.
Is this a safe and welcoming space for BIPOC mothers?
Though I still have much to learn as a white woman and a facilitator committed to becoming increasingly anti-racist in my life and work, my devotion to this growth is deep and active. I cannot ensure anyone’s sense of safety, but I can assure you that it matters to me that you feel safe, and that I will do the best I can to create a safe-feeling space based on my current level of awareness and understanding.
Some steps I’m currently taking in my personal and professional life include: meeting regularly with my racial equity coach/mentor, decolonizing my curriculum, seeking out and hiring only BIPOC women and/or white women who are deeply dedicated to deconstructing and healing from their own internalized white supremacy delusion, investing in and learning from Black educators, and elevating the voices of BIPOC women and mothers. I am also aware that ceremonial practices are often extracted from BIPOC communities and used without recognition of the erasure of culture they are contributing to. I will do my best to be aware of and sensitive to these realities and continue to learn from wise mentors as well as my own mistakes. I’d be deeply honored for any BIPOC mama who feels drawn to this offering, to join us.
Do you offer scholarships?
It is essential to me that Mamas Gone Wild be made up of mothers who truly resonate with this work and deeply desire the MGW experience. I recognize that some mothers who would love to join simply don’t have the financial means (the full-time job of motherhood is unpaid, after all). For this reason, I offer a limited number of scholarships. I also offer pay-what-you-can “equity seats” for BIPOC women, rooted in a reparations framework/mindset.
See Scholarship + Equity Seat section directly below FAQs.
I’d love to join, but I’m introverted, and the video platform intimidates me. Is there any way around it?
You’re in good company, fellow introvert. Video hasn’t always been comfortable for me either, but the benefits of rich connection have proven way more valuable than the “safety” of staying hidden. Expansion is more likely when we make the brave choice over the more comfortable one (though I’m committed to creating a space that feels comfortable, too).
It is essential to me that Mamas Gone Wild be made up of mothers who truly resonate with this work and deeply desire the MGW experience. I recognize that some mothers who would love to join simply don’t have the financial means (the full-time job of motherhood is unpaid, after all). For this reason, I offer a limited number of scholarships.
I also offer pay-what-you-can “Equity Seats” for BIPOC women, rooted in a reparations framework/mindset. This is my contribution to Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, and mixed-race mothers struggling on the front lines and navigating the intersectionality of their identities. I see you, and I greatly value your presence in this space and contribution to this experience.
*Deadline to apply for scholarships + equity seats has passed.
Join Us While You Still Can!
Course sign up closes May 2nd at 5pm EST.
Please sign up above to keep connected via email for future offerings + ideas.
The life you’re hungry for and what the world needs most are one and the same.
Mamas Gone Wild is the salve, the fuel, and the nourishment you need to realign yourself and reignite the fire within.